Marianne in Tokyo

アメリカ、フロリダ州の四年制大学卒業後、帰国。東京都で働くOLになりました。好きな言葉はFuture you will be grateful you kept going!


Bingo was held!

I was not willing to go to the BINGO, because I thought BINGO is not so fun as long as I don’t have so much friends. BUT it was different!

I had a lot of fun too!


At Bingo, everyone usually will be able to get something, but today’s BINGO was different. There were twelve rounds, and each round will be end at the time the first winner came out.

Winner can have a bag filled with snacks. I thought I do not have strong fortune of winning BINGO, but I did my best because I really wanted to get snacks!


Everyone was excited! Each time number was called, each one screamed like “wow” or “yeah”, then when someone got Bingo, each student was discouraged like “oh no” or “OMG!”.

I thought people in the U.S. show off their emotions bigger than that of Japanese. I felt it made me getting tired to show off my emotion as much bigger as those in the U.S., but they seemed enjoying. I assume Japanese university students cannot be excited by Bingo as much as that of the U.S. The U.S. people seems really mature, but seemed childish at the time they were enjoying Bingo.


I finally couldn’t get Bingo. (In fact, I misunderstand thatI was won and said “BINGO!” in front of every one. At that round, I had to complete all the numbers written in my card. I did not understand the rule because of my English ability… Everyone shocked to see me walking to the front stage, then they became happy when I found out I was not Bingo.)


I bought Oreo instead of getting that by Bingo.


I talked with my friend that I was lucky to get NO BINGO. That is because we don’t want to use our fortune at the Bingo! (You may say that this is a case of sour grapes.)









ビンゴでは、通常誰もが何かを手に入れることができますが、今日のビンゴは異なっていました。 12ラウンドがあり、各ラウンドは最初の勝者が出た時点で終了します。






ビンゴできませんでした。 (実際、私は勝ったと誤解し、みんなの前で「ビンゴ!」と言いました。そのラウンドでは、カードに書かれた数字をすべて記入しなければなりませんでした。英語の能力のためにルールを理解できませんでした...誰もが私が前のステージに歩いているのを見てショックを受け、それから私がビンゴではないことがわかったとき彼らは幸せになりました。)




ビンゴをできなくてラッキーだと友達と話しました。それは、ビンゴで運を使いたくないからです! (みんなこれを負け惜しみと呼ぶだろう。)


補足 タイトルになぜ狐とぶどうがあるかと言うと、英語では負け惜しみのことをa case of sour grape、酸っぱい葡萄のケースって言うんだって。ある狐が自分が届かない距離にある葡萄を見てどうしても取れないから、あの葡萄は酸っぱくてきっと美味しくないんだ!と思い込むことによって諦めました。という話から来ているんだって。




