Marianne in Tokyo

アメリカ、フロリダ州の四年制大学卒業後、帰国。東京都で働くOLになりました。好きな言葉はFuture you will be grateful you kept going!



I went to the restaurant! Surprisingly, I haven’t ate out since I came the states. The restaurant was located near my school. I ordered chicken quesadillas with fried potato (I’ll stick on the picture, so please watch it!) I was yam! Kindl…


Bingo was held! I was not willing to go to the BINGO, because I thought BINGO is not so fun as long as I don’t have so much friends. BUT it was different! I had a lot of fun too! At Bingo, everyone usually will be able to get something, bu…

Escape room🏃‍♂️🏃‍♀️💨

An escape room - once we enter that room, we cannot get out until we solve all the problems - was held at the school. I was not willing to join in this activity, because few people were there. However, my friend asked me to try because it …