Marianne in Tokyo

アメリカ、フロリダ州の四年制大学卒業後、帰国。東京都で働くOLになりました。好きな言葉はFuture you will be grateful you kept going!


Meals! 2 🍽

When I wrote down “Meals” diary, my father worried about my eating habit. Therefore I often eat salad & fruits. 「食事」日記を書き留めたとき、父は私の食生活を心配しました。 したがって、私は最近、 よくサラダと果物を食べます。 この間よりはジ…

What’s up?

Surprisingly, it has passed seven weeks since I left my home! What’s up? My roommate always talks to me saying “What’s up?”. I have thought that this means “How are you?” or kinds of things like this because she says so every-time I meet h…