Marianne in Tokyo

アメリカ、フロリダ州の四年制大学卒業後、帰国。東京都で働くOLになりました。好きな言葉はFuture you will be grateful you kept going!

What’s up?

Surprisingly, it has passed seven weeks since I left my home! What’s up?


My roommate always talks to me saying “What’s up?”. I have thought that this means “How are you?” or kinds of things like this because she says so every-time I meet her. How to answer “What’s up” doesn’t ring a bell with me. Then I searched it on google. According to the article that I read online, “What’s up” means “What is going up with you”. The article also spelled out how to answer this. You can answer by using “nothing”, then continuing something you are doing right now. For example, “Nothing, but I am just on the Instagram”.


I was really shocked to read this article. I should have realized much earlier that my way of answering question was wrong. I was always answering like “Good” or “Not bad”. If I were my roommate, I would feel “OMG, she cannot understand English”. I will practice to answer this question while my roommate is out right now. I hope my practice would not down the drain.


My roommate is so kind that every time she will ask me “What’s up”. Therefore, I asked her “What’s up”. She said “Nothing, I’m just dying”. Actually, she was playing the video game and game was over. I could figure out what she means soon, because I know she likes the video game so much. What a unique answer it is!



What’s up?



私のルームメイトはいつも「どうした?」と言ってくれます。彼女は私に会うたびにそう言うので、これは「お元気ですか?」またはこのようなことを意味すると思っていました。 「どうした?」と答える方法は、ピンときません。次に、Googleで検索しました。私がオンラインで読んだ記事によると、「What’s up」は「あなたは今何をしているの」を意味します。この記事では、これに答える方法も説明しました。 「何も」を使用して答えることができ、今あなたがしていることを続けます。たとえば、「特に、私はただInstagramを見ています」。






