Marianne in Tokyo

アメリカ、フロリダ州の四年制大学卒業後、帰国。東京都で働くOLになりました。好きな言葉はFuture you will be grateful you kept going!



My university is enthusiastic about sports club activities, and a lot of kinds of games are held here and there. I went to see the football game and soccer game in this weekend. I was really hot and it was next to impossible for me not to …


I went to the store which was famous for its smoothie. Thanks to my friend, I was able to have the yummy-yummy smoothie. This is the link of that store. As you can see, there are so many kinds of …

Test and AC📓

Test was returned. Today, a test and an assignment were returned. For my English assignment, I was so-so. I thought I would take worse score because the topic was so difficult for me. Therefore, it was happy for me to be evaluated like thi…

Too much of free time😴

Too much of free time Today is a Sunday and I don’t have so much homework. There’s a lot of time, and it’s really boring. Therefore, I decided to plan how to spend next Sundays. Plan1. Go shopping by bus. Plan2. Doing my homework (due is n…

New York Yankees vs. Tampa Bay Rays⚾️

I went to the Tampa to see baseball game. It was the game of Yankees vs. Tampa Bay Rays. I have never watched major league before, so it was really fun. In fact, I could not understand how the major league works, and I just enjoyed its atm…


I finally downloaded Snap Chat so that I can make my friend. Then I could make some friend these days! I am used to using LINE, so compare with LINE, using Snap chat is difficult for me. Interestingly, what we talked before will be deleted…


Today, I went outlet mall with my friends. My school took our shuttle, and we could be able to enjoy shopping. It took about an hour to go to the mall. We had to enjoy shopping in two hours. The mall was so big that I thought I could enjoy…

Funny game🤽‍♀️💦

Today, I want to talk about my room mates’ “my boom”. One day, my roommate crafted a ring in our room. It is made by paper, and diameter of it is very narrow. (it is about 10cm…) Then, she tries to throw a ball to go through in there. The …

Tipsy Night!🍷

I went to the restaurant near my college with my Japanese friends, then ate chicken wings. That day was somehow a special day, I could buy a chicken wing $.50! I heard that ladies can drink alcohol for free! (though I ordered water. In the…

Short stories🖌🖌🖌

A little funny story. 1.​I found kitkat (Matcha) in the fridge. I completely forgot that I have left it in the fridge, so I was so happy to be able to eat it. Compare with American chocolate, Japanese one is not so sweet. However, it was r…


I went to the restaurant! Surprisingly, I haven’t ate out since I came the states. The restaurant was located near my school. I ordered chicken quesadillas with fried potato (I’ll stick on the picture, so please watch it!) I was yam! Kindl…


Bingo was held! I was not willing to go to the BINGO, because I thought BINGO is not so fun as long as I don’t have so much friends. BUT it was different! I had a lot of fun too! At Bingo, everyone usually will be able to get something, bu…

Escape room🏃‍♂️🏃‍♀️💨

An escape room - once we enter that room, we cannot get out until we solve all the problems - was held at the school. I was not willing to join in this activity, because few people were there. However, my friend asked me to try because it …

Meals! 🍽

Recently, I think I have nothing that is new. This is means (or I wish) I am getting used to my school life. Then I’ll stick on the pictures of what I have these days. I can bake pizza in the cafeteria! I can put on whatever I like, so I t…

About 🧮 and 🍫💕

Today, I would like to describe what I learned through the math homework. (In other word, I cannnot have something to describe except for math homework.) Math in the U.S. is very easy compare with Japanese math class, but I sometimes confu…

soccer game! ⚽️⚽️⚽️

Today,I watched soccer game. One of my Japanese friends is in the soccer team. So I and my some Japanese friends went to see him playing soccer. It was really hot. Sunshine was so strong. I knew it was inevitable to be tan, but I did every…

About my major🤔🤔🤔

Today, I asked a professor of finance which major should I take. My major is accounting now, but I am thinking of changing my major accounting to finance. Then, I asked finance professor what job or internships I can have if I get a bachel…


I was wondering what major should I choose, so I went to talk with my academic adviser to get more information. Then I realized that my algebra class will not earn a credit which is necessary to graduate my university. I was in a class of …

Dorian didn’t come😌

Long time long no see! I was thinking of writing down my diary every day, but I had nothing to write down. Then, I stopped writing. Hurricane didn’t come in the end. Hurricane named Dorian attacked the U.S., but my school was completely sa…

I had nothing to do! 😅😅😅

I decided to write my diary in English as long as I can do. That’s because hurricane is coming, Jim and library is closed. It means, I have nothing to do! Since I miss my family and my dog when I have free times, I was at a loss. Therefore…


今日は数学と音楽とマーケティングの授業がありました。 数学は先生が35分くらいずーーーっとハリケーンの話をしていたよ笑 マーケティングは今日が初授業だったのでどんなかな?って思っていたら、すごく雰囲気のいい先生でした! 授業中にディスカッション…

Let’s get to the party! 🎉 🎈 🎊

このブログを書いていたら、ルームメイトがパーティーに行くけど一緒に行く?って誘ってくれて、急遽飛び入り参加してきました! パジャマにメガネだったから、急いでちょっとおしゃれに着替えてコンタクトつけて、ルームメイトが髪の毛をさらさらストレート…

Hurricane is coming!🌪🌪🌪😱

今日は英語の授業とミクロ経済学の授業がありました。 英語の授業はクラスが終わった後教授と少し話せました。授業中に一番前の席に座って超真剣に聞いているから、(というか集中しないと全く聞き取れなくなってしまうのでもうどうしようもないから集中して…




授業2日目! 今日は数学の授業があって、一番前に座ったけど周りの人に声かけられなかったな。 言い訳をすると、話しかけやすそうな人がいない。日本の大学いたときは一番前には座らなかったけど、先に座っていた人に声かけて一緒に授業受けたな。それで友…

Classes Begin🙋‍♀️🙋‍♀️🙋‍♀️

今日から学校がスタートしました。 初回の授業は7:45から!朝ごはんが8:00―9:00って言っていたから、朝ごはん食堂で食べられないじゃんと思ったらカフェテリア早めに空いてそうでした。今日は部屋でオレオと食パン齧っていたけど、明日はカフェ…




今日は暇だったので、近くにあるスーパー的なところに行きました。学校周辺はなにもないとおもっていたから、簡単なお店があってよかった〜と思いました。 洗剤を持ってきてなかったので、洗剤、柔軟剤を買い、シャンプー類も旅行用の小さいものだったので買…


アメリカに到着してから、周りの環境が違うと新しいこともたくさんあって書きたいけど書き忘れたり書ききれなかったりしてとても困る。 本当は思ったことをつらつら書き留めたいけど、時系列で確実に記録して行きたいと思います。 今日もいろんなことがあり…


長い時間待った末、ついに大学までのお迎えが来ました〜そしてなんとか無事に大学につくことができました。 だけど今の率直な気持ちは悔しい、やるせない気持ちです。会話についていけないし、友達を作るのが難しいな、言葉の壁が厚いなと感じています。廊下…